Harold Wimmer President and CEO at American Lung Association | Official website
+ Pharmaceuticals
Patient Daily | Jun 25, 2024

American Lung Association launches Wellness Hub for lung disease community

The American Lung Association’s Patient & Caregiver Network has introduced a new initiative, the Wellness Hub, aimed at supporting the 34 million Americans living with lung diseases. The Wellness Hub offers free access to videos and articles designed to improve mental and physical health through breathing exercises, meditation videos, recipes, and more.

Harold Wimmer, President and CEO of the American Lung Association, emphasized the importance of such resources for those diagnosed with chronic conditions like COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, and asthma. "Many lung diseases like COPD, pulmonary fibrosis and asthma have no cure, so a person will be living with the disease for their entire life. A diagnosis can be scary and lung diseases are often very isolating, which is why communities like the Wellness Hub are critical to improve the lives of people living with these diseases and their families," he stated.

Jenna Zaffino, a wellness coach associated with the Patient & Caregiver Network, highlighted the personalized nature of the resources available. "My hope is that people will feel like these practices were truly made for them and that they gain a series of trusted tools for support each day," she said. "Our goal is to offer content that helps them feel like they’re building toward something that supports the quality of their lives, whether that’s physical strength, an expanded mindset or creating a consistent breathwork practice."

The Wellness Hub's initial offerings include activities aimed at enhancing both physical and mental health. Future content will be developed based on feedback from members.

The Patient & Caregiver Network serves as a community connecting individuals affected by lung diseases such as COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, and lung cancer with peers nationwide. Membership provides access to support groups, educational materials, and updates on recent research including clinical trials.

To join the free Patient & Caregiver Network and access the Wellness Hub resources, visit Lung.org/PCN.

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