Juan Cardena Rosales | Mayo Clinic
+ Pharmaceuticals
Patient Daily | Feb 15, 2024

Mayo Clinic Doctor: 'It is better to make these changes little by little, and stay consistent'

Dr. Juan Cardena Rosales, a medical practitioner at Mayo Clinic, underscores the significance of cultivating and sustaining a healthy lifestyle. He elaborates on how incremental changes to our daily routines can lead to substantial health benefits over time.

"Many times, in our culture, our tradition, this type of diet has been followed for many years, and it is what we were often taught by our relatives, our grandmother, our parents", said Juan Cardena Rosales, according to Mayo Clinic News Network. "If we know that it is something that is harmful to our health, we should always try to choose the healthy option. It has also been shown that many times, not sleeping well can lead to chronic stress."

According to Mayo Clinic, Dr. Rosales delineates the advantages of incorporating smaller, healthier habits into your daily routine. Initially, it may be challenging to incorporate more vegetables into your diet or increase physical activity; hence, he emphasizes the need for small but consistent efforts towards improved health. He asserts that all aspects of health are crucial, whether it pertains to hydration levels, sleep quality or dietary choices.

The Mayo Clinic further shares Rosales' key recommendation for enhanced cardiovascular health: maintaining a smoke-free lifestyle and avoiding exposure to second-hand smoke. Research has demonstrated, as Rosales points out, that individuals who quit smoking have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease within six months compared to those who continue smoking.

According to Mayo Clinic's profile on him, Dr. Rosales is a medical professional specializing in medicine and serves as the medical leader of the international branch of Mayo Clinic based in Jacksonville, Florida. His expertise lies in applying scientific facts to address both complex and simple health issues across various domains. He completed his education at Texas Tech University and received his MD from Universidad Anahuac.

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