Suzi Johnson | Sharp Health Care
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Patient Daily | Feb 9, 2024

Sharp HospiceCare vice president: Hospice is ‘coordinated and comprehensive care’

The Vice President of Sharp HospiceCare and a nurse have highlighted the benefits of utilizing hospice care earlier in a patient's terminal illness. They shed light on the various services that hospice care offers to enhance the quality of life during a patient's final days.

"It's coordinated and comprehensive care that focuses on the total person and their family", said Suzi Johnson, according to SHARP. "That can include delivery of medications and equipment, integrative therapies, grief counseling for family members and more."

Hospice care is a specialized form of medical assistance that includes a team of nurses, doctors, social workers, and spiritual counselors. Their primary aim is to ensure comfort and peace for patients in their last days. Douglas Corbin, a nurse with Sharp HospiceCare, explains: "The team comes in and provides support for a patient in addition to the care they're already receiving. That can include managing their medications, making sure they get the treatments they need, or just providing some extra TLC," according to a news release from Sharp Health News.

Despite the fact that patients can begin using hospice services when they have six months or less to live, many do not avail themselves of this service until much later. The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization reports that half of the hospice patients in the U.S. are enrolled for less than seventeen days. Corbin suggests: "We recommend reaching out to hospice early. We're able to provide that extra nurturing and care that folks often don't have, which can help improve their quality of life and possibly extend it," as per another news release from Sharp Health News.

Hospice care not only provides a dedicated team of medical professionals focused on enhancing patient comfort but some providers also offer at-home services for those who prefer staying in their own homes. For instance, Sharp HospiceCare, where Suzi Johnson serves as Vice President, provides aids and assistants who assist patients with household tasks like running errands and helping with housekeeping tasks, according to another news release from Sharp Health News.

Furthermore, hospice services can be fully covered by insurance, leaving no out-of-pocket costs for the patient or their family. This financial relief can significantly reduce stress during this challenging time, contributing to overall well-being. The additional time in hospice can allow patients to focus on essential aspects of their life, such as their faith, and may even extend their lifespan, according to a final news release from Sharp Health News.

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