James Tracy President at American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology | Official website
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Patient Daily | Mar 5, 2025

Spring cleaning tips from ACAAI to combat seasonal allergies

If you think spring cleaning is only for grandmothers, reconsider. The task of clearing dust, mold, and grime accumulated over winter can help alleviate symptoms related to spring allergies.

“Allergy season can last all year for those who deal with indoor allergens, but it can be worse in spring when pollen becomes a factor. Getting rid of all types of allergens helps you cut down on symptoms,” says James Tracy, DO, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI).

The ACAAI provides five tips for creating an allergy-friendly environment:

1. **Follow the water trail**: Bathrooms and basements are prone to mold. To eliminate mold, control moisture by cleaning up standing water and using fans to reduce humidity below 60%.

2. **Keep cleaning supplies simple**: Some cleaning solutions may irritate sinuses or cause skin rashes. Homemade solutions like baking soda and vinegar can be effective without causing irritation.

3. **A bath for Fido may be in order**: Pet allergens accumulate over winter. Vacuum frequently and wash upholstery to manage fur and dander.

4. **Don’t open the windows to “freshen up”**: Keep windows closed during spring as they bring in pollen particles that cause sneezing and wheezing.

5. **Cleaning outside can help too**: While focusing indoors, consider outdoor precautions such as wearing gloves and masks while gardening or mowing.

If symptoms persist despite efforts to reduce home allergens, consulting an allergist might be necessary.

For more information about seasonal allergies or to find an allergist, visit AllergyAndAsthmaRelief.org.

The ACAAI is a professional organization based in Arlington Heights with over 6,000 members specializing in allergy care through diagnosis, immunotherapy administration, and treatment outcomes improvement.

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