Paul Klotman, M.D., President at Baylor College of Medicine | LinkedIn
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Patient Daily | Jul 1, 2024

Expert advises against driving while drowsy during summer road trips

Road trips are a summer tradition for many families, but some drivers are so focused on reaching their destination that they tend to ignore their bodies’ need for sleep. Baylor College of Medicine’s Dr. Philip Alapat explains the importance of getting enough sleep to ensure safe and enjoyable road trips. Alapat, assistant professor of medicine and an expert in sleep disorders, noted that sleep deprivation can be an issue even before people begin their trip.

“People may be sleep deprived because they stay up late preparing the night before for the trip and then want to get an early start,” he said. Additionally, most individuals try to finish up a lot of work prior to the trip due to the anticipated lack of access during vacations.

According to Alapat, sleep deprivation on road trips can also occur because people try to stay awake to drive late into the night instead of sleeping. “All of these situations can lead to significant sleep deprivation that will inevitably end up causing excessive sleepiness and fatigue, which can be very dangerous while driving and trying to maintain attention on the road,” Alapat said.

Driving late at night or through adverse weather conditions becomes increasingly dangerous when people are sleep deprived. “We know that most traffic accidents that occur at night are single-vehicle accidents – not multi-vehicle accidents. These are accidents that often happen because people fall asleep at the wheel and run off the road or run into something on the side of the road because they have driven out of their lane,” Alapat said. “Driving in adverse weather requires people to be even more alert than they would be otherwise, and someone who is fatigued or sleepy already has a compromised ability to pay attention.”

To avoid falling asleep at the wheel, Alapat advised being aware of and not ignoring signs of sleepiness, including droopy eyes and an inability to stay alert while driving. He suggests switching drivers or pulling over at a rest stop if fatigue sets in. He also warned against relying heavily on caffeine as it should only be used briefly to increase alertness; large doses can contribute to poor quality sleep whenever rest is finally taken.

Alapat emphasized that the best way to prevent sleep deprivation is simply by sleeping adequately. “Respect your body’s need for sleep and try not to power through,” he said. “It is better to take a break and arrive safely than not arrive at all.”

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