Paul Klotman, M.D., President at Baylor College of Medicine | LinkedIn
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Patient Daily | Jun 26, 2024

Study reveals cause behind brittle bones disease osteogenesis imperfecta type V

A study conducted by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and collaborating institutions reveals the molecular events leading to osteogenesis imperfecta type V, a form of brittle bone disease caused by a mutation in the gene IFITM5. The mutation blocks the normal development of bone stem cells into mature cells, which would form healthy bones. Instead, the mutation leads to the formation of bones that are extremely brittle. Children with this disorder have recurrent fractures, bone deformities, chronic pain, and other complications. The findings, published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, offer new possibilities to design therapies for this yet untreatable condition.

“Brittle bone diseases, also known as osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), are a group of rare diseases that affect the connective tissue – tissues like bones, which support and protect other tissues in the body,” said Dr. Brendan Lee, professor, chair and Robert and Janice McNair Endowed Chair of molecular and human genetics at Baylor. He also is a member of Baylor’s Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center and part of Texas Children’s Hospital. “Most types of OIs are caused by gene mutations that disrupt collagen synthesis or processing, but not OI type V.”

“OI type V is unique because all patients have the exact same mutation in the IFITM5 gene linked to the condition,” said first author of the work, Dr. Ronit Marom, assistant professor of molecular and human genetics at Baylor and Texas Children’s. “This mutation results in the production of a longer IFITM5 protein; however, the biological function of this protein in bone and why this mutation results in OI were not well understood.”

The researchers developed an animal model of OI type V by genetically engineering mice to express the mutant gene during certain stages of bone development. The genetically modified mice recapitulated most characteristics of the human condition, enabling analysis of underlying molecular mechanisms.

The team discovered that the IFITM5 mutation acts at the level of bone stem cells, altering the normal process that leads to bone formation. “Bone stem cells lead the way in forming the skeleton during development and in bone healing after a fracture – first they give rise to cartilage, which then turns into bone,” Lee said.

The Ifitm5 mutation in mice disrupts this process. Instead of progressing from cartilage to bone, progenitor cells form overgrown cartilage calluses where new bone should be.

“Our findings help explain what we see in patients with OI type V. They not only have bones that break easily but when stem cells attempt to heal them they form large calluses of cartilage instead of bone,” Lee said. “It’s like the stem cells do not finish the job; they get caught in a loop to preferably form cartilage instead of maturing into bone.”

“Until now we considered OI to be abnormal bone development. It was exciting to discover that OI type V is due to abnormal differentiation leading to imbalance in both cartilage and bone development,” Marom said.

The team identified two major molecular players driving this defect: “The ERK/MAP kinase signaling pathway and transcription factor SOX9 were significantly increased,” Marom said. “Interestingly when we inactivated either ERK/MAP kinase signaling or SOX9 with pharmacologic or genetic approaches we restored normal bone development in mutant models.”

“These findings inform on OI type V mechanism facilitating future therapy development for this condition,” Marom added.

“In addition all patients with OI type V having same IFITM5 mutation could benefit from one gene therapy designed for it,” Lee said.

This study exemplifies rare disease studies' value improving understanding/treatment for common diseases: “Understanding how OI type V happens provides insight into similar common skeletal conditions such as osteoporosis potentially resulting improved treatments,” Lee concluded.

For complete authors list affiliations financial support see publication.

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