Dr. Nigel Carter OBE Chief Exicutive at Oral Health Foundation | Official website
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Patient Daily | Jun 13, 2024

Community initiative aims to improve oral health through better nutrition

‘Eat Well for Oral Health’ is a community-based food skills and nutrition project aimed at improving oral health among those affected by socio-economic and racial inequalities across Edinburgh, the Lothians, and potentially all of Scotland. This initiative is a collaboration between Edinburgh Community Food nutritionists and LINKnet Mentoring’s overseas dentist, Ahmed Bagaber.

The project is designed to empower Scots and ethnic minorities to make healthier dietary choices that benefit their overall health, particularly their oral health. It focuses on teaching cooking skills and enhancing nutrition knowledge to maintain healthy mouths and gums. Over the past two years, the project has reached nearly 2,000 households in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

Edinburgh Community Food Senior Food and Health Development Officer Jo Howie stated: "We are thrilled to promote the success of our 'Eat Well for Oral Health' project this National Smile Month. The importance of nutrition and its relation to good oral health cannot be overstated: with the current challenging food environment and difficulties with accessing an NHS dentist, never has it been more crucial for us to support people in vulnerable circumstances to prevent oral health problems."

Participants in the project receive advice on oral health, guidance on accessing an NHS Dentist, as well as free nutrition and oral health resources. The Scottish Government funds the project, which is managed by NHS Lothian’s Oral Health Improvement Team.

NHS Education for Scotland has collaborated with Edinburgh Community Food and LINKnet Mentoring to create bite-sized learning resources called ‘Open Badges’ for community workers. These resources aim to provide evidence-based knowledge to support families.

Karen Coates, a registered dental nurse and oral health educator said: “We don’t have enough education in the UK around how diet can affect our mouths and bodies. Raw nuts, vegetables, cheese, and even breadsticks are tooth-friendly choices that are healthy. Although sugary and acidic food and drink may appear affordable and appealing, the consequences to our health may be both costly and unpleasant in the long run.”

The project connects participants through existing community groups to reach as many people as possible. As part of National Smile Month, it also participated in the Oral Health Foundation’s podcast available on Spotify.

Sessions are held not only in Edinburgh but also in East, West, and Midlothian. More information can be found at www.edinburghcommunityfood.org.uk/eat-well-for-oral-health.

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