Paul Klotman, M.D., President at Baylor College of Medicine | Official website
+ Pharmaceuticals
Patient Daily | Jun 13, 2024

Tips on maintaining good hygiene at the gym

Maintaining good hygiene in the gym is crucial for preventing illnesses and ensuring a well-maintained environment, according to Melanie McNeal, physical and occupational therapy manager at Baylor College of Medicine. McNeal emphasizes that "good hygiene prevents sicknesses like a cold, influenza, and even salmonella," adding that cleanliness reflects the overall maintenance quality of a gym.

"If hygiene rules are not followed you could get sick, get others sick or even have your membership cancelled," McNeal noted. She advises individuals to assess the cleanliness of a new gym by looking for key indicators.

McNeal provides several tips for maintaining a clean environment at the gym. Firstly, she recommends wearing clean clothes each time one exercises to prevent the spread of bacteria and foul smells. Before using equipment, individuals should visually inspect it for cleanliness. If there is wet residue from a cleaning solution, it is best to allow it to dry as this indicates the solution's contact time—typically around two minutes—is not complete.

After exercising, users should wipe down any equipment where their skin made contact or where sweat has dripped. Direct spraying of chemical solutions onto equipment should be avoided as excess moisture can cause damage. For those who shower after workouts, McNeal advises wearing flip-flops or other footwear to prevent contact with surfaces that may harbor mold, fungi, and bacteria.

"Expect a clean gym and report concerns to management if you have any," McNeal said. "You should feel free to ask management about the cleaning schedule and always clean up after yourself. Leave equipment as you would want to find it when you walk up to it."

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