Paul Klotman, M.D., President at Baylor College of Medicine | Official website
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Patient Daily | May 3, 2024

Rice, Baylor centers award joint research seed grants

Rice University’s Synthesis X Center (SynthX) and Baylor College of Medicine’s Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center have jointly awarded their first innovation seed grants to three teams of research collaborators from Rice and Baylor.

The collaboration between SynthX and the Duncan Cancer Center aims to foster the development of groundbreaking cancer drugs and technologies by encouraging primary researchers and clinicians to work together on research that integrates advances in organic chemistry, chemical biology, and material chemistry into clinical practice.

According to a statement, "Launched this spring, SynthX fosters the development of groundbreaking cancer drugs and technologies by encouraging primary researchers and clinicians to collaborate on research that integrates advances in organic chemistry, chemical biology and material chemistry into clinical practice."

The grants, managed by Rice’s office for Educational and Research Initiatives for Collaborative Health (ENRICH), provide up to $80,000 each for two years to help research teams initiate projects and gather preliminary data necessary to apply for larger awards from federal or international funding agencies. As stated, "Managed by Rice’s office for Educational and Research Initiatives for Collaborative Health (ENRICH), each of the two-year SynthX/Duncan Cancer Center seed grants provides up to $80,000 to help research teams initiate projects and amass the preliminary data that’s needed to apply for more substantial awards from federal or international funding agencies."

Inaugural grants were awarded to three teams, with the expectation that they will produce multi-PI grant submissions within the first year to receive the remaining funds.

This initiative represents a significant step towards advancing cancer research through collaborative efforts between Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine.

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