Nicola Hanna | Baylor College of Medicine
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Patient Daily | Feb 15, 2024

Professor at Baylor College of Medicine: 'Cold air can be very detrimental'

Nicola Hanania, Professor of Pulmonary Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, underscores the significance of acknowledging the cold during winter. He emphasizes the need to be mindful of the effects of cold weather without allowing it to disrupt daily routines.

"The body has many ways to adjust to cold environments; however, in certain cases, cold air can be very detrimental", said Nicola Hanania. "Your lungs will not freeze in moderately cold temperatures as other bodily functions keep it at a normal temperature of about 37 degrees, cold air doesn't have to prevent anyone from participating in intense exercise or going about their daily lives,"

According to Baylor College of Medicine, it is crucial to stay aware of the surrounding temperatures. Dr. Nicola Hanania elucidates that our lungs require warm air for optimal functioning. Our noses serve as natural heaters for our bodies in cold weather, which is how we manage to maintain warmth. Hanania asserts that lungs will not freeze in relatively mild weather, but he advises remaining vigilant about our bodies and their health status.

Baylor College of Medicine notes that individuals affected by Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), or emphysema may face a higher risk of complications during cold weather periods. Hanania suggests measures to safeguard those more vulnerable to the perils of colder climates. These precautions include wearing additional layers such as scarves or face coverings for the nose to maintain relative warmth.

Baylor College of Medicine states that Dr. Nicola Hanania holds the position of professor in pulmonary sciences at Baylor. He works as a critical care physician with a focus on airway diseases and also serves as the director of the Asthma and COPD clinic at Ben Taub Hospital.

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