Dr. Robert Gillespie | Sharp Health
+ Pharmaceuticals
Patient Daily | Feb 2, 2024

Sharp Memorial Hospital doctor: ‘There has been a distinct rise in the numbers of CKM patients’

A medical professional from Sharp Health has recently offered insights into a disease known as Cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome (CKM). This condition, comprised of a collection of chronic illnesses, is gaining attention for its rising prevalence not only within the patient population at Sharp Health but also in industrialized countries worldwide.

Dr. Robert Gillespie, MD at Sharp Health, emphasizes the importance of early prevention in combating CKM. He notes, "There has been a distinct rise in the numbers of CKM patients not only at Sharp but worldwide in industrialized countries." He further adds, "Early prevention is important to reduce your risk of CKM."

CKM affects the heart, kidneys, and metabolism and is closely associated with heart disease. Heart disease often coexists with Type-2 diabetes and kidney disease. According to the American Heart Association, one in three adults in the U.S. have three or more risk factors for developing one of the three conditions associated with CKM. This makes it crucial for patients to learn how to prevent and treat this condition.

Gillespie explains that prevention should be a key focus for all healthcare providers who should educate their patients about the risks of developing CKM. "Prevention is a process that all physicians and other health care providers should emphasize," he says. For those already diagnosed with CKM, Gillespie underscores that appropriate management requires teamwork due to the complex nature of the condition: "For patients already diagnosed, appropriate management is a team effort since the presence of CKM may require various medication adjustments and interventions that can impact other organs."

Gillespie also suggests several preventative measures to avoid developing CKM including adopting a healthy diet, regular exercise, eliminating smoking and vaping habits, ensuring quality sleep every night and maintaining a healthy weight. "Making lifestyle changes today is essential to reduce your risk for developing CKM," he advises.

CKM progression is categorized into five stages each requiring different treatments. Stage zero involves no risk factors for developing the condition. Stage one is often characterized by excess body fat and prediabetes, while stage two involves Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Stage three often involves early cardiovascular or kidney disease, and finally, stage four is often characterized by heart attacks and strokes. Preventative measures are beneficial at every stage but are particularly effective in the early stages.

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