Igor Medic | Sharp HealthCare
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Patient Daily | Nov 26, 2023

Sharp Community Medical Group doctor: ‘Patients with advanced lung cancer have a significantly better prognosis’

Dr. Igor Medic, a board-certified oncologist and hematologist, discusses the different kinds of lung cancer and the best treatment options for them. The expert highlights common causes of lung cancer and expresses hope due to recent advancements in treatment.

"Even though this is still a very serious disease, with recent advancements in therapy and with our expanded knowledge of the lung cancer genetic landscape, I dare to say that patients with advanced lung cancer have a significantly better prognosis. With frequent use of immunotherapy, and agents that target specific genetic mutations in the tumor, we are now seeing more long-term responses with excellent quality of life for patients.", said Igor Medic.

Let's delve into some alarming statistics on lung cancer. Lung cancer takes more lives than any other form of cancer in the U.S. Often, the disease is unnoticeable until it becomes severe, making it especially hard to treat. According to the American Lung Association, on average, only twenty-five percent of lung cancer patients are still alive five years after their diagnosis. Roughly 356 people die of lung cancer every year, according to a news release from Sharp HealthCare.

Now let's understand more about the two main types of this deadly disease. There are two main types of lung cancer: non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). NSCLC is the more common type making up eighty to eighty-five percent of cases. SCLC is much less common but tends to be more dangerous according to Dr. Igor Medic: "Given the marked differences in biologic behavior, natural history and response to treatment, this distinction is required for proper staging, treatment and prognosis," according to a news release from Sharp HealthCare.

Let's discuss how treatment options can differ based on the stage of lung cancer. The types of treatments that will be most effective depend on the kind and stage of lung cancer. According to Dr. Igor Medic: "In general, there are four stages for NSCLC, I through IV. Stage I has the best prognosis, and stage IV is the most advanced disease — metastatic — meaning the cancer has spread." Stages I and II usually require surgery. Stage III requires a combination of surgery and chemoradiotherapy. Stage IV is mainly treated with attempts to provide as much relief and comfort to the patient as possible. SCLC has two stages, extensive and limited. Treatments for extensive include immunotherapy and chemotherapy. For limited stages, chemotherapy and thoracic radiation therapy are used, according to a news release from Sharp HealthCare.

To determine these stages, doctors use an internationally accepted system known as TNM System. Stages of lung cancer are determined by the TNM System which looks at tumor size, presence of cancer in lymph nodes, and how much the cancer has spread to determine severity. According to Dr. Igor Medic: "The TNM staging system for lung cancer is an internationally accepted system used to characterize the extent of disease. It also provides a description of the extent of lung cancer that can easily be communicated to others, assists in treatment decisions, and serves as a prognostic indicator." With new treatment options Medic is hopeful for the future of lung cancer treatment, according to a news release from Sharp HealthCare.

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