Eighty percent of Americans believe that AI can provide reduced costs, greater accessibility and higher quality healthcare. | Patient Daily
+ Technology/Innovation
Press Release | Nov 9, 2023

Healthcare professionals, patients believe AI can improve care

A recent survey shows healthcare professionals are embracing AI and that a majority of Americans believe AI can improve the quality, affordability, and accessibility of healthcare. Experts anticipate models like Google DeepMind's AlphaFold to quicken medical research strides in drug discovery and synthetic biology.

The survey, which included 1,000 Americans and 500 healthcare professionals, found that more than one in ten healthcare professionals already use AI, while almost 50% intend to use it in the future, Medical Economics reported.  Eighty percent of Americans believe that AI can provide reduced costs, greater accessibility, and higher quality healthcare.  One quarter of the survey respondents said they wouldn’t visit a provider who refuses to embrace AI technology.  

Two-thirds of the survey respondents said they already know how AI tools like Google’s medical research program Med-PaLM 2.  

Med-PaLM 2 is a large language model with the ability to answer questions about medical topics, create medical reports, and translate medical texts, potentially leading to increased efficiency and accuracy in medical care Inclusion reported. Med-PaLM 2 was trained on a large dataset of medical text and code.  

Another AI product, AlphaFold, has the ability to predict the 3D structures of almost all known molecules, including DNA, RNA, ligands, and proteins.  The model, developed by Google DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs, has already contributed to “major scientific advances,” according to a Google DeepMind blog post, and its newest model has the potential to accelerate research in biomedical areas like drug targets and therapies.  

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