Oncologists find that social determinants of health play an integral role in their patients' lives and health outcomes. | Stock image.
+ Technology/Innovation
Carrie Bradon | Jun 18, 2020

Study findings point to social determinants of health playing significant role in patient outcomes

Medical Economics reported that patients are likely to be impacted by what is called “social determinants of health,” which include factors such as financial stability, housing security, addiction and more.

These determinants may even have as much influence over the individuals’ lives as do their genetics. 

Increasing amounts of clinical evidence show that social determinants — including financial security, food security, social isolation, housing security, addiction, access to transportation and health literacy — all play a role in individual’s care. 

Cancer patients are particularly impacted by this, research from Cardinal Health Specialty Solutions reported. 

Over 90% of participating oncologists confirmed that social determinants played a part in their patients’ outcomes. One-hundred sixty oncologists based in the United States took part in the study from February to April 2020.

Sixty-eight percent of the oncologists reported that at least 50% of their patients experienced negative impacts from their social determinants. Among their patients, financial security or lack of health insurance accounted for 83% of the burden felt by patients. This was followed by access to transportation at 58%, then health literacy at 53% and finally social isolation at 43%. 

Lack of financial security, education, housing or employment puts individuals at more risk of becoming sick from COVID-19 also, the study showed and cancer patients suffered higher rates of death. 

While oncologists are aware of the need for increased resources to combat deficiencies of their patients, finding the time and ability to help alleviate those pressures is difficult to do. 

Oncologists agreed that the aid most acutely needed fell into three categories: Medicine at 79%, transportation at 57% and ability to comprehend disease and treatment options at 29%. 

A heightened awareness of the role that social factors play in health outcomes is hoped to aid with the treatment and care of patients suffering from cancer, as well as other types of illnesses.

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