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Carol Ostrow | Dec 5, 2017

UT physician suggests ways to stay healthy during holiday travel

University of Texas’ Dr. Amy Laude recently offered suggestions to stay healthy while traveling during the holidays.

Prevent, pace, protect, package and prepare serve as headlines for Laude’s five simple reminders, according to an announcement.

First, she recommends that those journeying to see loved ones obtain a flu shot to prevent serious illness, the announcement said. Secondly, slow down or pause to avoid excessive rushing because it is all too easy to overschedule, leading to stress and fatigue.

Next, Laude recommends frequent hand washing and using hand sanitizer to combat germs on doorknobs, handles and elsewhere. 

She also advises packing healthy snacks to avoid far less nutritious commercially packaged products, according to the announcement. Staying hydrated also is key to holiday joy.

Finally, travelers would be wise to adhere to their usual schedule in an effort to not throw off their body clocks en route to their destinations — especially if they are traveling to a different time zone — which could increase susceptibility to illness, she advises. Additionally, she recommends cushioning the return trip with a day or two before returning to work to allow you to readjust once back home.

Laude works with UT Physicians, the clinical branch of McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

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