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Nicholas Gueguen | Aug 13, 2017

Orexigen Therapeutics teams with Cheplapharm Arzneimittel GmbH to put Mysimba on German, Austrian and French markets

Orexigen Therapeutics' Ireland division and Cheplapharm Arzneimittel have teamed up to put Orexigen's weight-loss drug Mysimba (naltrexone HCl / bupropion HCl prolonged release) in the German, Austrian and French markets.

Within that partnership, Cheplapharm Arzneimittel, which has has over 150 marketing clearances in over 100 countries, will manage marketing the drug, Orexigen said in a release.

Mysimba is available by prescription to help people lose weight. 

Medical experts think that Mysimba goes after two parts of the brain, the part that tells the body its hungry and the part that senses when people treat themselves for good behavior, and by going after those parts, it helps people feel hungry less and keep their desire for food in check. Medical experts do not know completely, however, how Mysimba impacts the brain to help the person taking it lose weight, the release said

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