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Erianne Leatherman | May 16, 2017

AIDS Alliance working with Advocates for Youth to boost AIDS/HIV awareness

AIDS Alliance for Women, Infants, Children, Youth & Families (AIDS Alliance), an affiliate of The AIDS Institute, joined Advocates for Youth to address how HIV/AIDS impacts young people and how they have contributed to the fight against HIV/AIDS in the U.S. as part of National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD) the Aids Institute said in a press release.

“It’s very important that young people receive the education and skills they need to protect themselves from HIV infections,” Dr. Ivy Turnbull, deputy executive director of AIDS Alliance, in the release. “While we have accomplished much in the fight against HIV, it is critical we acknowledge that youth are the only segment of the population for whom rates of HIV continue to increase. We must make certain that our young people have full access to affordable quality care and treatment.”

NYHAAD’s theme this year was “Young, Free & Positive – That We Can End HIV,” with a goal of cutting down on the discrimination, criminalization and stigma young people with HIV can face and boost effective resources and strategies to eliminate the epidemic, The Aids Institute said.

“Young people today have the power to bring awareness to this epidemic like never before,” Zach Eisenstein, policy and communications assistant at The AIDS Institute, said in the release. “As a young person, I have witnessed my peers reach thousands of people – sometimes in a matter of minutes – with gifs and memes shared on their social media channels.”

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