FTA funds National Aging and Disability Transportation Center, improves accessibility.
+ Community
Jamie Barrand | Dec 24, 2015

FTA funds National Aging and Disability Transportation Center, improves accessibility

Funding from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has facilitated the opening of the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC).

The center will be overseen by Easter Seals and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a). The purpose of the new organization is to make safe public transportation more accessible to senior citizens, people with disabilities, caregivers and communities.

“FTA is committed to improving quality of life for seniors and individuals with disabilities by making public transportation an easy and efficient way for them to access jobs, schools and services,” FTA acting administrator Therese McMillan said. “The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) will help aging and disability networks leverage funding from FTA and others to improve access to community supports and services.”

Officials hope the new center will boost quality of life for the target demographics.

“The lack of access to viable transportation options is a major reason why many older adults can no longer live with dignity and independence in their homes and communities,” n4a CEO Sandy Markwood said. “It’s exciting to know that through its work to improve the mobility options of seniors and others, NADTC will also be in a position to improve the quality of life of so many Americans.”

Ensuring accessibility for the disabled will be a focus of the center.

“Through the NADTC, Easter Seals and n4a will be able to share information on creative ways to improve transportation services and involve in the transportation decision-making process the individuals most affected by it,” Randall Rutta, president and CEO of Easter Seals Inc., said.        

For more information about the NADTC, email contact@nadtc.org or call 866-528-6278.

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