Hayley Ralph | 2.osfhealthcare.org
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Patient Daily | Mar 20, 2024

Doctor at OSF HealthCare: 'When this happens, you’re at risk for an ear infection'

Hayley Ralph, a family medicine provider at OSF HealthCare, emphasized the importance of maintaining ear hygiene to prevent infections. She particularly highlighted the potential risk associated with not cleaning earbuds after exercise.

"Bacteria and fungi thrive in moist, warm areas, such as the ear canal, and that's where earbuds sometimes trap moisture and fluid," said Ralph, according to Advanced Hearing Care. "When that happens, you're at risk for an ear infection. You'll know you have an ear infection when you have ear pain, itching, drainage or discharge from the affected ear or hearing loss. ask your physician for more direction on safe home treatment."

According to Advanced Audiology and Hearing Care, unclean earbuds could potentially lead to future ear infections. Dr. Ralph underscored the need for vigilance in this regard. Extended use of earbuds can trap bacteria and moisture in the ears as they inhibit natural clearing mechanisms. Furthermore, earbuds may cause earwax to migrate deeper into the ear canal, increasing the risk of infection. For those unsure if they have an infection, symptoms may include pain or discharge from the ear, and occasionally fever.

Advanced Audiology and Hearing Care suggests several straightforward yet effective methods to avoid an ear infection. Regularly cleaning your earbuds, especially after strenuous workouts, can help prevent such infections. Cleaning methods could involve using a screen cloth or materials provided with the headphones. If this remains a concern, choosing over-the-ear headphones that do not directly enter the canal is a safer alternative. Ralph also cautioned against using cotton swabs as they can push wax deeper into the ear. Instead, she recommends lightly cleaning wax with a washcloth over the tip of the ear.

OSF Healthcare provides some background on Dr. Ralph's career path and passion for medicine. She received her degree from St Louis University School of Medicine and has always had a keen interest in healthcare—a trait she attributes to her mother who served as a radiology technician. This passion fuels her daily interactions with patients as she strives to understand their needs thoroughly.

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