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Nicholas Gueguen | Jul 2, 2017

Pfizer assembles findings from 13 cancers for American Society of Clinical Oncology

Pfizer said it prepared findings from studies of 13 kinds of cancers for the recent American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting.

The findings from clinical trials involved solid and hematologic tumors, as well as 12 action plans, Pfizer said in a release. Some of the treatments involved lung cancer, kidney cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer, as well as how to possibly fight different kinds of leukemia. The leukemia discussions were related to whether bosutinib or imatinib was more effective in fighting chronic myeloid leukemia that doctors had just named in patients.

Pfizer also prepared information on whether dacomitinib or gefitinib was more effective as an initial fighter of advanced EGFR mutation positive non-small cell lung cancer and the effectiveness of talazoparib in fighting a particular kind of breast cancer.

Pfizer said other findings included information on avelumab and axitinib in fighting advanced renal cell carcinoma.

Organizations in this story

+ Pfizer