Paul Klotman, M.D., President at Baylor College of Medicine | LinkedIn
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Patient Daily | Apr 30, 2024

Unruly Sports Parents’ Effect on Children’s Mental Health

Children’s sporting events can quickly turn sour when parents become excessively competitive. Dr. Lauren Havel, an assistant professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital, highlighted the negative impact of poor sports behavior on kids. According to Dr. Havel, some of the detrimental behaviors include setting unrealistic expectations for young athletes and displaying disappointment or embarrassment when those expectations are not met.

Dr. Havel emphasized the importance of parents' behavior on children, stating that kids learn how to interact with others by observing the adults in their lives. She warned that when parents exhibit disrespectful behavior towards coaches, officials, or other parents, children may mimic that behavior and struggle to develop a healthy respect for competition.

The psychiatrist also pointed out that aggressive or over-the-top behavior from parents can lead to feelings of shame or embarrassment in children. To address this issue, Dr. Havel recommended that parents focus on their child's motivation for playing sports and strive to maintain a positive and encouraging attitude during games.

She advised parents to emphasize the process over the outcome, praising their child's effort and hustle rather than dwelling on mistakes. Dr. Havel stressed the importance of fostering a growth mindset in children, where they believe that talent is developed through hard work and dedication, not just natural ability.

Dr. Havel concluded by cautioning that setting unrealistic expectations or pushing children too hard can lead to performance anxiety and other mental health issues in the long run. Therefore, she encouraged parents to adopt a supportive and constructive approach to their child's sports involvement to promote healthy self-esteem and resilience in the face of challenges.

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